Projects Portfolio

Some example projects undertaken by Roger Henshaw Consultancy Services...


Fraser Coast Regional Council, QLD

Project: Development of a Library and Community Hub Functional Design Brief, as part of the ‘Hinkler Regional Deal’ – Council Administration, Disaster Resilience Centre, and Library (incorporating Community Hub) project.

RHCS was employed by Group GSA Architects in 2021 to develop the Functional Design Brief (4,000m2 library facility). The Functional Brief has since been agreed and adopted by Fraser Coast Regional Council.

Chisholm Institute of TAFE, VIC

Project: Library service review and development of change strategy

RHCS assessed the Institute’s service delivery model and infrastructure; and provided detailed assessment recommendations and a change strategy.

City of Port Phillip Council, VIC

Project: Library service review, restructure and change strategy

RHCS assessed the library’s service delivery model and branch network; and provided detailed assessment recommendations and a change strategy.

Snowy Valleys Council, NSW

Project: Library Review and Library Strategic Plan

RHCS reviewed library services and developed a four-year library strategy in collaboration with library management and staff.

Richmond-Tweed Regional Library Service, NSW

Project: Review of the RTRL Regional Library Agreement

In consultation with member Councils, RHCS developed recommended regional library delivery models for consideration.

Kempsey Shire Council, NSW

Project: Infrastructure Review

Kempsey Branch Library was reviewed as part of a grant funded refurbishment project. RHCS developed design and layout models and recommendations.

Alice Springs Town Library (NT)

Project: Library Review and Strategic Plan

RHCS completed a review of the Alice Springs Town Library and developed a 4-year strategy for the service.

Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences [Powerhouse Museum] (NSW)

Project: Research Library Service Review Project

Assessment of the Research Library’s operations, services and collections; evaluation of service delivery (service delivery model); assessment of current floorspace, layout, usability and accessibility; assessment of organisational reach (communication and marketing) and future opportunities.

Town of Victoria Park Library (WA)

Project: Library review and Strategic Plan Project

Operational Review and Recommendations report. Community and staff and Council Officer consultations and survey. Infrastructure review – capacity of current building, including current and future needs. Development of a Library Operational Strategy for the Town of Victoria Park Library

Sunshine Coast Libraries (QLD)

Project: Library Network Review and 20 Year Network Plan Development Project

Review of current service delivery model across the library network; community survey regarding the future of the library network survey; comprehensive review of current library infrastructure (branches) and development of a library service delivery model for the network.

Moorabool Shire Libraries (VIC)

Project: Library Review and Strategic Plan

Organisational Review and report, including infrastructure (branch and location analysis) Community and staff consultation. Development of a library strategic action plan.

Indigo Shire Libraries (VIC)

Project: Library Review and Strategic Plan Project

Organisational Review and report, including infrastructure (branch and location analysis). Community and staff consultation. Development of a library strategic action plan.

Deniliquin Library (NSW)

Project: Service Review and Library Strategy Project

RHCS conducted and delivered an organisational review and report, including infrastructure assessment; development of a future scenario statement and transition planning i.e., moving from one model to the new model.

Georges River Libraries (NSW)

Project: Library Service Delivery Model Review Project

RHCS conducted and delivered an organisational Review with recommended strategies and actions.

Georges River Libraries (NSW)

Project: Library Strategy (post Council amalgamation)

Project Components and Outcomes: Development and adoption of a Library Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021

Mareeba Shire Council (QLD)

RHCS conducted a review of services and service priorities, including staffing, structure, opening hours, programs and events, systems, marketing and promotion, infrastructure and partnerships.

Project Outcomes: A detailed service review report.

Mareeba Shire Library (QLD)


  1. Efficiencies Review Update – Follow up included a staff workshop to discuss progress to date i.e., what had been achieved, what has yet to be achieved and any issues / learnings arising. Development of a progress analysis report.
  2. Mareeba Branch Relocation – new site for the Mareeba Branch investigation and review. Development of an advisory report on the proposed new site. The library has since moved to the recommended site.

Blue Mountains Library Service (NSW)

Project: Library Review, Infrastructure Review and Strategy Project

RHCS conducted a comprehensive review of services and operations. This included staff consultations (direct and survey) and comparative analysis assessment of all branches, including condition and location; preparation of individual branch reports; and developed a recommendations report.

Commonwealth Department of Health, Information Resources and Research Services (IRRS)

Project: A comprehensive review of IRRS including key influencers and drivers, and organisational structure.

IRRS is the Department’s specialist bio-medical and scientific information provider. Its key role is to provide timely, comprehensive and cost-effective delivery of authoritative information to meet the needs of the Department’s Health Products Regulation Group (HPRG).

Wollongong City Library (NSW)

Project: Scoping and Concept Planning Project – Helensburgh Branch Library Project

Description: Initial scoping and concept planning for the future upgrade / replacement of the current Helensburgh Branch Library. This included: Community Consultation (Workshops and community survey), demographic analysis and a building audit / assessment and report.

Penrith City Library Service (NSW)

Project: Library Strategy Review (External Review and Strategic Report)

RHCS conducted and delivered a detailed review and analysis of the library’s current operating environment.

City of Marion (SA)

Project: Library Service Review and Strategic Action Plan Project

RHCS conducted and delivered an extensive review of library including an analysis of the current staffing structure and service delivery model.

Town of Gawler (SA)

Project: Library Service Review

RHCS conducted and delivered a full review of the operations of the library service, and the preparation of a strategic plan.

NSW Office of Environment and Heritage

Project: Library Consolidation Project

This project was commissioned to examine the libraries within the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) and its portfolio partners, to identify any opportunities for collaborative or cooperative projects, and shared services.

NSW Office of Environment and Heritage

Project: Library Service Review

RHCS conducted and delivered a comprehensive review of the Library service’s current effectiveness, efficiency and usage, and the preparation of a strategic action plan to guide the library in the future delivery of services and programs to agency staff.

Campbelltown City Library (NSW)

Project: Collection Services Review

RHCS conducted and delivered a best practice review of Campbelltown City Library’s technical services and collection management, including current procurement; budgeting; the policies and procedures for selection, acquisition, cataloguing (throughput and output) and end-processing; cataloguing standards; levels of outsourcing and efficiency of current outsourcing; collection development and profiling.

Campbelltown City Library (NSW)

Project: Strategic Review

RHCS conducted and delivered a comprehensive review of the library’s service delivery model, including branch infrastructure

Project Outcomes: A report and recommendations regarding the current and future service delivery models for the library service.

Bathurst City Library (NSW)

Project: Library Building for the Future

RHCS undertook a comprehensive review and audit of the current Bathurst City Library.

State Library of New South Wales

Project: RHCS were appointed to conduct the fieldwork and research for the compilation of the Mobile & Outreach Service: NSW Public Libraries report. Methodology included literature review, surveys, site visits, reporting and drafting of guidelines.

ARM Architecture (VIC)

Project: Geelong Library & Heritage Centre

Project: Research, staff workshop and initial design brief input for ARM Architecture for the Geelong Library and Heritage Centre project.

Indigo Shire Libraries (VIC)

Project: A comprehensive review of the Shire’s Library service, including its staffing and structure, and the preparation of a strategic action plan to guide the library in the future delivery of services and programs to the community.

City of Ryde Library Service (NSW)

Project: Libraries for Ryde – a major strategic research and planning project.

Libraries for Ryde Strategy - download here

Cessnock City Library (NSW)

Project: Library Review and Strategic Plan

The development of a comprehensive and Council aligned strategic plan.

Macquarie Regional Library Service (NSW)

Project: Regional Local Studies Strategy

RHCS conducted a review of local studies collections and access across the Macquarie Regional Library Service and of external agencies and individuals involved in the collection and preservation of local studies materials across the region.

Clarence Regional Library Service (NSW)

Project: Regional Library Review and Strategic Plan

RHCS conducted a review of library services across the Clarence Regional Library Service to gather data for the development of a regional strategic plan to further develop and enhance library service to the region.

Coffs Harbour Library and Information Service (NSW)

Project: Library Review and Strategic Plan

RHCS conducted and delivered a comprehensive and Council aligned strategic plan.

Greater Taree City Libraries (NSW)

Project: Staffing Review

This project focused on reviewing and analysing current work practices, including structure, resourcing, technology and training.

Mornington Island Library (QLD)

Project: Library Service Review

Mornington Island is a small Aboriginal community in the Gulf of Carpentaria, and the library services the island’s population of around 1,200.

Lotus Children’s Centre School Library (Mongolia)

Project: Library Design Brief

This project was undertaken pro bono for the Rotary Club of Wahroonga (NSW) and involved the development of a comprehensive report and planning document regarding the setting up of a school library for the Lotus Children’s Centre.

Clarence Regional Library Service (NSW)

Project: Local Studies Review and Strategy

Review local studies collection practices across the Clarence Region, including an analysis of the current practice of the library and regional history groups/organisations and individuals.

Clarence Valley Library Service (NSW)

Project: Library Service Infrastructure Review

RHCS conducted and delivered a comprehensive review of all library branch infrastructures against all current library and building standards.

Tablelands Regional Library (QLD)

Project: Library Infrastructure and Organisational Review; and Strategic Plan

RHCS conducted and delivered a comprehensive strategic review of library services and infrastructure against all current library and building standards.

Wollongong City Library (NSW)

Project: Procurement Review

RHCS conducted a comprehensive review of all library procurement services and practices, including - a detailed exploration and calculation of current in-house procurement costs.

New South Wales Adult Migrant Education Service (NSW AMES)

Project: Scoping of a Library Management System Tender

Scoping of library material cataloguing requirements (approximately 35,000 items needed to be catalogued) and selection of Library Management System.

Ipswich Library and Information Service (QLD)

Project: Procurement Review

This project was related to an earlier project (conducted by another consultancy) on profiling of library collections.

Marrickville Council (NSW)

Project: Structural and Operational Review of Marrickville History Services Structural and Operational Review of Council’s History Services and Library Services

The project included interviews with all key stakeholders, budget analysis and review of relevant legislation.

Sydney Mechanics School of Arts (NSW)

Project: Library Service, Systems and Structural Review

Assessment of current and future staffing / library operational requirements, including organisational structure, staff capacity and competency, workloads and current work practices; and assessment of the current Library Management System and library technology

Wollongong City Library (NSW)

Project: Mobile and Home Library Services Review

RHCS conducted and delivered a comprehensive review of the library’s home and mobile library services, including benchmarking surveys (costs, staffing etc), Home library service evaluation and recommendations, Mobile Library Service evaluation and recommendations and a Staffing review.

Whyalla City Library Service (SA)

Project: Library Structural Review and Strategic Plan

RHCS conducted and delivered a comprehensive review of library services and the development of a library strategy and new staffing structure.

Southbank Institute of Technology (QLD)

Project: Library Service Review and Strategic Plan Library Service Review

The SBIT library was the result of the merging of four campus libraries into one. The review outcomes included: A comparative study (benchmarking review) of four other dual sector libraries and research and analysis of external trends affecting library services.

Geelong Regional Library Corporation (VIC)

Project: Community Library Service Project Description

Development of a Community Library Service – an extension of the Home Library Service to the four local government areas that make up the region, to meet the information, recreation, cultural and education needs of the residents and communities more effectively.


Last Updated end 2021 | Contact RHCS

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