About us

Helping libraries thrive into the future

Libraries have existed for thousands of years and through the ages have already adapted and changed to meet the demands and needs of human society. Starting out as the domain of only the ruling class, religious orders, or the wealthy, libraries evolved over time into our modern definition of a library as a community hub. A place of learning. A place for meeting, for connecting. And at the same time a place for reflection and quiet solitude.

Our current digital age has definitely sparked a new evolutionary step for the local library, but has by no means reduced its relevance. Rather than being a place where information is collected and stored, a 21st-century library is an interactive portal where information flows in and out. Understanding the new broader definition of information and really tuning into a community's needs is what allows libraries to thrive and not only maintain, but actually increase relevancy into the future.

At Roger Henshaw Consultancy Services we use our expertise to help libraries transition into dynamic entities, meeting community needs into the future. Through in-depth work in service review, strategic planning, communication planning, stakeholder engagement and research we provide creative and innovative solutions for all aspects of library management.

Properly understanding the current state, effectiveness, accessibility and usefulness of their library's buildings and services enables staff to plan appropriately for everything - from grant applications, budget bids and required reporting, through to developing a future vision.

Our Experience

Roger Henshaw Consultancy Services has experience in a diverse range of services to libraries and the wider cultural sector:

  • Service and process review
  • Organisational review
  • Strategic planning
  • Communication and marketing planning
  • Library infrastructure review (audit and assessment of library buildings and service points)
  • Library functional design brief development
  • Staff, customer and community engagement and consultation
  • Policy development
  • Cultural change management and facilitation
  • Survey design and analysis
  • Recruitment
  • Training in strategic planning, service reviewing and marketing library services
  • Provision of specialist advice on all aspects of library service delivery and management
  • Sector Research
  • Comparative Studies
  • Metrics and Performance Measurement

Industry-specific areas of specialisation:

  • Public Libraries
  • Government Libraries
  • Special Libraries
  • Corporate Libraries
  • Arts and Culture
  • Non-government Organisations
  • Not for Profit Sector
  • Museums and Archives
  • Local History Services

Industry affiliations:

  • Australian Library and Information Association
  • Public Libraries Australia
  • Library and Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa
  • American Library Association
  • NSW Public Libraries Association

Our Background

Established in 2006, collectively our team of library professionals has over 100 years of practical library experience across the entire library and information sector.

Through our work, we have assisted our clients to critically examine their current service delivery models, develop new service delivery models, create meaningful and practical strategies (strategic, business and marketing plans), and to better understand the needs of their staff, communities and other key stakeholders. RHCS has also advised and informed clients regarding the context within which they operate, contemporary standards and best practice; and how to maximise delivery and resourcing through partnerships and collaborations.

We observe, analyse and review your practices to ensure your organisation and your staff are working efficiently and harmoniously.

Who we are

Roger Henshaw
Principal Consultant and Owner

Roger Henshaw is the Principal and Founder of Roger Henshaw Consultancy Services (RHCS). Roger also has over 30 years local government experience, including 13 years at a senior management level in public libraries, museum, gallery, archives, visitor information and customer services.

Roger's experience and expertise includes:

  • Strategic and marketing planning
  • Organisational and structural review
  • Library infrastructure review and functional design brief development
  • Staff, customer and community engagement / consultation
  • Cultural services management, including public libraries, archives etc.
  • Training in strategic and marketing planning
  • Cultural change management and facilitation
  • Survey design and analysis
Victoria Anderson

Victoria joined RHCS in April 2013 and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the consultancy.

She has worked in academic, special and public libraries in a variety of roles, and most recently as a Consultant with Public Library Services at the State Library of NSW. In this role, she provided a support and advisory service to public library staff throughout NSW.

Victoria’s experience and expertise includes:

  • Strategic planning and training
  • Marketing and Communications planning and review
  • Provision of specialist advice in particular in the areas of marketing, programming and professional development
  • Workforce planning, including staffing reviews
  • Change management
  • Policy and procedural review

Victoria’s skill and expertise as an editor, writer and grant-maker mean she is able to provide expert assistance with, for example, the preparation of annual reports, library newsletters, writing for social media and applications for grant funding.

Steve O’Connor

Steve O’Connor has much experience managing and planning for the futures of major organisations. He is the author of over 60 articles and a presenter at conferences many times over nationally and internationally, most recently, extensively across China. He is the Editor of Library Management and the newly created Library Management China.

Steve is the author of a book on Scenario Planning revealing in a practical manner how to enable libraries and information services to break out of their strategic mould and to create new futures for their organisations.

He has conducted scenario planning projects for many libraries and also for Lyrasis which is the largest Library Consortium organisation in the United States.

Steve has worked in libraries most of his career including managing two major academic libraries. He was the CEO of CAVAL, a not-for-profit company providing a range of services to all sectors of libraries, and is currently Adjunct Professor, School of Information Studies at Charles Sturt University (NSW).

Steve's experience and expertise includes:

  • Scenario planning and training
  • Service delivery review
  • Strategic planning
  • Workforce planning and review
  • Stakeholder engagement


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A shared vision for the future. Through collaborative work to understand your needs and vision let's take your library from survive to thrive.
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